dilluns, 5 de desembre del 2016

Dialogue video

Dialogue: At the past office

A: Hello, could I send a parcel?
L: Sure, is the parcel for USA?
A: No, it's for Spain.
L: Ok, anything else?
A: Yes, i'd like to change some dollars into euros?
L: No problem. How much money do you want to change?
A: Two hundred Dollars.
L: That'll be 184 all together, please.
A: Ok
L: Could you sign here for the euros?
A: Could you put the money in an evelope, please?
L: Yes, no problem. Here you are.
A: Thanks a lot.

L: Bye

Dialogue: Complaint


A: Hi, can I help you?
L: Yes, yesterday I bought this jacket and today I see this spot, look.
A: I see, Have you got the receipt?
L: Yes, wait a minute
A: Ok
L: Here it is
A: Thanks. Do you want to change it for another one?
L: Yes, I want to change the jacket for the shoes.
A: Fine, what shoes?
L: Adidas superstar, please.
A: Here you are.
L: Thanks very much.